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Bleed From Within

A Talk With Steven Jones

Interview By Chris Hazel February 28th

Published March 4th, 2023

Bleed From Within Socials

Bleed from Within is a heavy metal band from Glasglow Scottland that has been concurring the European metal circuit for 17 years. The band's current lineup consists of lead screamer Scott Kennedy, bassist Davie Provan, lead guitarist Craig Gowans, percussionist Ali Richardson, and rhythm guitarist and clean vocalist Steven Jones. During this time the band has released six studio albums and three Eps.

Bleed From Within’s latest album “Shrine” was released on 3 June 2022 through Nuclear Blast has been getting great reviews from credits all around world. The boys from Scotland do not disappoint with this album, which features heavy metalcore riffs laced with a crazy amount of symphonic melody, and layered vocals from Scott Kennedy on the break downs.

Now for the very first time ever, Bleed From Within is touring in the USA as the openers for August Burns Red and The Devil Wears Prada. Steven Jones was kind enough to talk with me after his San Diego show at Soma.

(Interview & Live Photos By Chris Hazel at Soma)

Chris: Thanks for taking the time to talk with me.

Steven Jones: For sure mate, it’s a pleasure.

Chris: First I want to say congrats on your latest album “Shrine,” which was one of OC Music News Top Ten of Heavy Metal Albums of 2022. What’s it like to have such great feedback worldwide from this album?

Steven: Yeah, it's been crazy. I think the first time that we had a taste of it was with Fracture when we released Fracture during the pandemic. Everybody was at home. We actually, weren't sure if we were going to release the album or if we were going to delay it because we couldn't tour it. But that album went down really well and it was really cool to see new fan base popping up in the world. I think that's, for actually it was probably the first time that we saw a big fan base grow in the US. We were like, Oh, man. Okay, people over there listening to us. With Shrine, it was like it was like, Okay, now people are really starting to take notice of what we're doing. It's been so cool. This is our first tour in the states. It's been so many years. We've been making music together and touring, especially for the other boys who've been doing it for 18 years. I've only been in the band for seven. But yeah, even at that, a lot's been in there and it's so cool to finally be able to travel the world and see fans in just about every city that we go to.It's crazy, man.

Chris: While others bands were afraid to put new music during the Pandemic, you guys took a risk & released “Fracture” in 2020. A lot of listeners said it got them through this dark time. How does it feel to hear that kind of response from people?

Steven: It's so rewarding, really. It's so awesome, man, because it's not an easy feat making an album. It all starts with writing demos and it's a long process that we care a lot about each of us individually. We're such an opinionated bunch of dudes and we really do care about what it is that we put out in the world. When people are saying things like that, it's mad to me. I can't really comprehend the things that other people have been through during COVID. I know what I went through during COVID and not all of it was negative, but I know that the effect on the world was certainly negative and the effect on music in general was negative. So it was really nice for us to step up to the plate and be like, no, we're still going to release this album. We've had this scheduled in. Even though we had these tours planned and everything was supposed to happen one way. We took the hits and we were just like, No, people are expecting a new album from us this year. Let's just do it and see how it goes. And it actually went really well for us. And especially hearing from people that if it helped people through a rough time in their life. It's not why I started doing this, but it feels like a reason to keep doing this.

Chris: Now you have two albums worth of current material. Is it great finally getting to play all these fresh new tunes?

Steven: Oh, dude, it's awesome, man. Tonight we played a set. It's only six songs that we're playing on this tour, so we've only got 30 minutes. So we're just like, Right, we need to play the singles from the new album and the singles from the last album because those are the songs that most people are going to know. But even at that, we had four singles with Shrine and we had three with Fracture, so we don't even have time for them. So we're doing just a select few. We're calling it the half hour of power because it's just all the best songs that we think we have and the best songs that go down, the best live anyway. So we're really enjoying it, man. Really enjoying Blitzing the new material, man. It's the same with every band. The new stuff that you do, certainly with us anyways; it's the stuff that you're the most proud of. Even though we still love the stuff that was on ERA and some of the stuff that was on Uprising, we're super proud of this stuff on Shrine in particular and obviously a lot of the stuff on Fracture. So it's really good that the set is just full of songs that we are mega excited to be playing every night. I feel like that comes across when we play and we're just super excited to do it.

Chris: The band has been around for a while, but this is your 1st ever tour in the USA. Why did it take this long & what has the feedback been like from the fans?

Steven: I think mainly it was an opportunities thing where there was never the opportunity for a long, long time, genuinely. I think people find that hard to believe because there's always been people that followed the band over here, but it's never been the right time for us. And only in the last, maybe, three or four years has it become something that's like, okay, coming to the States is actually feasible. There are enough people there now that listen to us that it would actually be worth coming over there for us because it's such a massive expense. It's not about money for us, but realistically, we can't be putting ourselves in debt to do a tour. So fortunately… and a massive, massive thanks to August Burns Red for giving us this opportunity. It was the perfect opportunity. It was like, I couldn't really think of a better band to take us here for a first time. The fan bases are almost completely aligned and the rooms that we're playing every night, it just makes... Because we are still investing and coming here. It's not like we're coming here and making money. We're not. It's an investment. But it feels like the right one. Every night we're playing the people and we're playing a lot of people every night and you can feel that we're winning people over every night. So I'm glad that we waited this long. But yeah, the reason that we waited this long is just an opportunist thing. It was never the right time. It was never the right opportunity presented. And finally, it lined up on this tour and it was like, Okay, it's the right time. It's the right opportunity. Let's do it. And we're here.

Chris: I know it's just pretty much the beginning of this tour and you have another two months to go, but how's the response been and the feedback from the American fans?

Steven: Dude, it's been amazing. I think we knew when we were jumping on the flight here, we were like, this is going to be good. We knew this was going to be a good tour, but it exceeded our expectations tenfold. People singing the words every night, crowd surfing, meeting fans after. The fan are like, you guys are the reason I came here. And if they're not saying that, its people being like, I never heard of you guys until tonight, but you're amazing. That's why we're here! We're here for that exact reason to win over new fans, to start a new fan base in terms of... Because for us, we've never been here before, man. We do the circuit that we do in Europe and we do well and its good fun and we love it. In the UK, we've got some really solid fans there that we love and we've been touring there for such a long time. America is just this uncracked market for us. And coming here and finally meeting these people and making these new fans, it's awesome. Can I swear?

Chris: Yeah, you can swear?

Steven: It's fucking awesome, man. It really feels like the start of something. It really does.

Chris: Would you call this a dream line up to play with & how have the dude from August Burns Red & The Devil Wears Prada been treating you well?

Steven: So the lineup for me personally, I'm 27. And when I was 15, I listened to August Burns Red and Devil Wears Prada as a fan. So for me personally, being out here with these two bands, it is a dream lineup for sure. I can't believe that this is the tour that we're breaking into the states with. It's crazy. But to answer your second part of the question, August Burns Red are amazing. They're the nicest dudes. Devil Wears Prada are the nicest dudes too. August Burns Red are just taking super good care of us, making sure we're good every day. There are some really down the Earth guys that actually care about us. If something's a bit weird, for example, the other day there was a venue that was a bit smaller than most of the ones we've been playing and the backstage was a little bit scruffy and they were like, dudes, we're sorry. We were like, Man, its cool. We've done much worse than this, believe us. It's all good. Don't worry about it. But they do actually care because maybe other bands would have us over here and they'd be like, no, you guys should just be grateful to be here. Which we are, but they would apologize for little things happening. That's how much August Burns Red cares you know. It's really nice. They are taking good care of us and looking out for us. They're really good dudes.

Chris: Speaking of fans, you were just telling me that you got a little tour of San Diego today from guitarist Nick Hipa from Wovenwar and MIRE who was recently playing for God Forbid on their reunion tour?

Steven: That's right.

Chris: How was that? Did he show you around?

Steven: Yeah, man, it was awesome. He took us to a local Mexican place and we had some tacos and then he took us to the beach. He's the nicest guy and it was nice to spend a bit of time with him as well because we’ve toured with him back in 2018 and we’re good friends with Nick. He's such a hospitable dude. He was like, Here are my favorite spots in town. It was really good to see him again.

Chris: Yeah I’ve meet Nick before and he a real humble kind of guy. August Burns Red has a pretty big following here in Southern California. Are you excited to play here at Soma in San Diego & at the sold out show tomorrow at the HOBs in Anaheim?

Steven: Yes, both of those things. Yeah, for sure, man. Today was an awesome show. This whole tour has been awesome. For seeing people in the crowd responding to what we're doing and becoming like, new supporters telling us that Merck's like, Oh, man, we're going to come see you guys the next time you're here and stuff. And it was the same tonight in San Diego. So yeah, it really was a pleasure and an honor to play tonight. And yeah, tomorrow in the house of blues Anaheim. It's going to be special. There's a couple of guys like Jeremy from The Devil Wears Prada. I was like, Man, the house of blues Anaheim, it's like the best venue. It's going.

Chris: It’s the best and a great venue. The green rooms are nice. The staff's nice. You're going to love it.

Steven: Fuck yeah, man! I'm super excited!

Chris: Being the opener from another country can be challenging. How do you engage with the audience to keep them involve in such a short window & how important would you say the fans are to your live show?

Steven: Yeah, I mean, it's a good question. I think our show is pretty engaging. We certainly make an effort to make sure that almost every second there's something entertaining going on. People need to be entertained. We do little things every night. And then over the course of two tours, we all pick up on stuff that we're doing. And it's super engaging on stage for us. We make sure we engage with the crowd, get our fists bumping, we have a wall of death in Pathfinder, and circle pit into nothing.

Steven Continues: The crowds here have been so responsive that it's just been a dream man and it's been a real pleasure. We play some shows where we are trying to get people to move and it's hard. You're really trying to get people to move you need to ask them a few times. But people here have been super responsive. I think a lot of that is down to the fact that we're a super well-rehearsed, tight unit, that are playing songs that I think people enjoy. It certainly feels like that. And it's really cool that when we ask them to do a pit, they do it. It just makes it easier to interact with the audience and make it a show for people and make it... For example, on this tour, we only have half an hour. So we're just trying to cram all the cool shit into one set. Like the wall of death, circle pit, getting into the crowd, and pumping their fists.

Chris: And then you get Scott at the end in the crowd!

Steven: Yeah. I mean, if people don't remember that? Then I'm not sure what they will. He's been doing that for years. Evry night just jumps into the crowd and he loves it.

Chris: After the whole show today, obviously, I see you guys bonding with your fans more than a lot of bands do here in San Diego or at venues. And it just seems like they're a crucial part of who you are. How important are the fans to you?

Steven: What we do would not be possible without the people listening to us and supporting us. We stand at the merch every night and every person that buys a T shirt, we super appreciated it. The mileage that we're doing across the country two times in one leg is insane. And if people weren't buying merch and supporting our band, we wouldn't be able to do it. So going out and just talking to people is the least that we could do. I enjoy it and I know the other guys do, too. We like talking to people, finding out their stories, and finding out how much our music means to people, or to hear new fans initial impressions. It's super life affirming for us, because the fans mean everything to us. Without the fans, we wouldn't be able to do it. So we go out there and we meet them every night and we have a good time. It's a beautiful thing.

Chris: Right on man. You still have a very long North American tour ahead of you that ends in mid-May with a few shows in Canada. What would say are the hardest & most rewarding things about being on the road?

Steven: The hardest thing about being on tour is probably being away from home, which I would never have said until this tour. But on this tour, my dog passed away while I was away, and that was really fucking tough.

Chris: Damn, I’m really sorry to hear that.

Steven: Thanks man. I know we did a tour before where someone in Scott's family have passed away, and it's... Honestly, I would never have said it until this tour because I like being away and I like traveling. But life goes on at home, your family are still doing their day to day shit, your friends are still doing their day to day shit, your pets are getting older, your family's getting older. And we're out here doing all this, living almost like a separate life. It does feel like that. I think being away from home is probably the hardest thing. And then did you ask what the most rewarding thing for us?

Chris: Yeah. What’s most rewarding things about being on the road?

Steven: Getting to see all these awesome places in the world, probably for sure. I've dreamed of seeing California my whole life. Today's our first day in California, and it's just been amazing. It's been such an awesome day. We were hanging out with Elliott Sloan earlier as well. (Elliot Sloan is a professional 5 time X Game medalist skateboarder from New York who idolized Tony Hawk growing up.) Elliot Sloan is a good friend of ours. He's got this big skateboarding ramp in his back garden and it's absolutely insane. Our bassis Davey skates and Davey was so excited to be in this guy's house just hanging out with him. This guy is one of his heroes and we’re skating on his ramp. How cool is that!? That's the thing, being on tour has it massive highs when playing every night to incredible crowds. It's literally the highest of all highs. And then also I get a phone call from my mum like, Oh, the dogs passed away. It's pretty low, man. It's almost as low as it gets.

Chris: You guys still have about two months to go on this tour and you're ending with a few dates in Canada. What's next for Bleed From Within after this tour?

Steven: Good question. The next thing for us is Japan. We're doing Loud Park Festival in Tokyo and Osaka which we’re all really excited about. We toured Japan in 2019 and we've just been desperate to get back there since. With the pandemic, it was never possible. But finally, we're going back this year. So I’m really looking forward to that. Then this summer, we're doing a couple of shows with Amon Amanth in the UK. and then we're doing a European Summer Festival run from June until August. It’s going to be a busy year. I'm looking forward to it.

Chris: Amon Amarth was here at Soma in December.

Steven: Oh, yeah? Nice!

Chris: The stage was too small so they couldn't put everything on the stage. (Laughs)

Steven: (Big Laugh) Really? I'm not surprised. They toured a Viking ship. Yeah. Come on. That's awesome! (We both Laugh)

Chris: The group has faced hardships in the past, you never gave up, and you came out with flying colors. If you could give one piece of advice to a band that is just getting started, what would you tell them?

Steve: It’s a good question and especially the things that our band's been through. I think that the trust that you place in people in the industry, you should be very careful about where that goes. Especially when you reach a certain level, it's like there are going to be people that want to... I won't say take advantage, but to be a part of it. And some people have the right things in mind and some people don't. It's a hard industry to navigate and it's hard to know what people's intentions are from the get go you know. But I think being really careful about where you put your trust and very careful about the people that you work with and making sure that your relationship is what you think it is. I would say that's pretty important for all bands. For a band just starting, just have fun as long as you enjoy music. We still enjoy music and we've been doing this our whole life. So as long as you still enjoy it, keep it going. And the moment that you don't, I would genuinely say you should stop. I genuinely would. Because I think for a lot of bands that... Not a lot of bands, but for some bands that we tour with and that we've met on the road, it seems like a slog for them and it seems like just a job for them. I hope that it never gets there for me because we still have the love for it.

Chris: Other than today where you’ve gotten to sight see with some friends, do you guys get mush time to see other parts of the US while you've been on tour?

Steven: Yeah, this tour we actually have! We've done a few tours in the past where we haven't. For example, in December, we did a 15 day tour that was just every day we were doing a show. However, so far on this tour, we've had three or four days off and we're just at the start of the third week. That's a lot of days off for us anyway in terms of what we're used to. We did Universal Studios in Orlando last week. We did New Orleans also last week. We do and we're really good for that. I think a lot of bands get days off and they're like, we're just going to chill, which I totally get. I feel like there may come a point in our career where we need that. But for now, there's so much of the world for us still to still see. This is our first time in the state and we’re all so excited to be here and we're going to do everything. Our days off are not for chilling out. Our days off are for seeing things. Seeing and having fun.

Chris Hell yeah I’m glad you are getting to see thing. You guys going to go to Disneyland after your House of blues show?

Steven: Oh, man I hope so because we do have a day off after that!

Chris: Thank you for taking the time for doing this interview with me. Is there anything you want to tell the readers?

Steven: That for all the support and keep rocking!

Don’t miss you chance to see Bleed From Within as they tour North America for their first time with August Burns Red and The Devil Wears Prada. Thank you Steven Jones and Bleed from Within!

(Photo Gallery By Chris Hazel at Soma)

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